965 82 02 34 - Plaça España, 8, 03469 El Camp de Mirra, Alacant

Church of San Bartolomé

S. XVIII; 1875 reform; s XIX bell tower (1416)

Church located on a small mount, presiding over the hamlet.

Its dimensions are superior to what would be expected from the modest size of the population. It has a Latin cross plan and nave of three sections covered by a barrel vault with blind lunettes and side chapels covered with vaulted vaults. It is finished with an apse behind the presbytery. The interior decoration is scarce, but there are frescoes and reliefs of plaster in dome, presbytery and pendentives. The three classic altars of the transept and presbytery stand out, as well as the classical pilasters of the nave, the old floor made of ceramic tiles and the dome on a large illuminated drum. The factory is of masonry seen to the outside with ashlars in base and corners. The dome is covered with white and blue tiles, highlighting the prismatic tower located at the feet, almost free, with the body of bells built in brick and topped with a dome, similar to the towers of Agost, Bigastro and San Juan.

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