965 82 02 34 - Plaça España, 8, 03469 El Camp de Mirra, Alacant

Social welfare


The General Social Services constitute the basic structure of the Public System of SS.SS, through the provision of an integrated and multi-purpose service aimed at the entire population. It carries out preventive, assistance and rehabilitation activities with a universal and free nature.

It is intended that they are close to the user and their reality hence that they are carried out from the Town Halls.

The fundamental objective of the base Social Services is to promote the full development of the individual and the groups in which it is integrated, enhancing their participation in the search for resources and prioritizing the most urgent and basic needs.

In the case of the Campo de Mirra Town Hall these services are provided through a social worker who is located in the Social Center on Mondays from 12:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

A cordial greeting from:

D. Mª. Nieves Vázquez Pérez, Department of Social Welfare.


Then we will enumerate the different procedures that are carried out from the Service:

3ª Age
  • Processing of Non-Contributory Pensions for Retirement (processing throughout the year).
  • Vacation Program for Seniors of the IMSERSO: (submission deadline approximately during the month of May, June)
  • Social Thermalism of the IMSERSO and of the Comunidad Valenciana (term presentation of applications approximately from December).
  • Interurban Transportation Card for Pensioners and Seniors of 65 years (process all year).
  • Cultural Card for the 3rd Age (processing throughout the year).
  • Application for Telephone Installation and Reduced Fee for Social Credit (processed all year).
  • Application for Admission in Residences for the 3rd Age (procedure all year).
  • Home Telecare (processed all year).
  • Financial Aid for Personal Development of the Elderly (processing until October):
  • Technical Aids: functional adaptation of the home and acquisition of tools such as hearing aids.
  • Elimination of Architectural Barriers in the home.
  • Non-contributory Disability Pensions (processing all year).
  • Social Thermalism of the Comunidad Valenciana and the IMSERSO (term as of December).
  • Interurban Transportation Card (Process all year).
  • Home Telecare (processing all year).
  • Recognition of the Condition of Disabled (processing all year).
  • Individualized Economic Benefits: (Opening term from December).
  • Aids Adaptation for the Vehicle.
  • Aid for Removal of Architectural Barriers in the home.
  • Technical Aids: Functional adaptation of the home and acquisition of tools.
  • Assistance Institutionalized.
  • Application for admission in Disability Centers (processing all year).
  • Parking Card for People with Reduced Mobility (all year processing).
  • Application for recognition of the situation of Dependency (processing all year).
  • Family Assistance for the Care of the Elderly (open from December to January).
  • Numerous Family Title (processing all the year).
  • Family Benefit for Child in Charge Non-Contributory level (processing all the year).
  • Processing of Adoptions and Foster Care (processing all the year).
  • Processing of the Health Care Card for emigrants and people in general without health coverage of the Social Security (processing all the year).
  • Home Help Service (processing all the year).
  • Information, Guidance and Advice to people, families or groups at social risk.
  • Emergency Financial Aid: basic needs, exceptional expenses and urgent need (processing until October).
  • Referral of cases to other resources or specialized services.
  • Summer school for school-age children. It is developed during the summer so that children can cover leisure and free time in the most positive and healthy way.
  • Support and Coordination with the Associations that act in the field of the social: Association of Housewives and Association of Pensioners and Retirees.